The Walking Dead S10E08 Review: The World Before – The prologue finishes By Cooper Henckel| November 25, 2019 TV Blogs The midseason finale ends with a...whisper.
The Walking Dead S10E07 Review: Open Your Eyes – Destined for controversy By Cooper Henckel| November 18, 2019 TV Blogs There is only one big talking point this week and that's Saddiq and Dante...
The Walking Dead S10E06 Review: Bonds – Best episode of the season so far! By Cooper Henckel| November 11, 2019 TV Blogs The Walking Dead delivers its best episode of season 10 so far...
The Walking Dead S10E05 Review: What It Always Is – Calling out the audience? By Cooper Henckel| November 5, 2019 TV Blogs The Walking Dead continues where it left off with Negan's escape...
The Walking Dead S10E04 Review: Silence the Whisperers – It finally feels like it’s going somewhere! By Cooper Henckel| October 28, 2019 TV Blogs There is trouble brewing at Alexandria whilst Hilltop needs all the help they can get,..
The Walking Dead S10E03 Review: Ghosts – Sets up some exciting possibilities By Cooper Henckel| October 21, 2019 TV Blogs Season 10 of The Walking Dead continues with 'Ghosts'...
The Walking Dead S10E02 Review: We Are the End of the World – Why are the Whisperers so desperate to prove themselves? By Cooper Henckel| October 14, 2019 TV Blogs The second episode of season 10 of The Walking Dead looks at The Whisperers, their pro-death stance, and fills in the Michael Meyer's like origin of their odd group.
The Walking Dead S10E01 Review: Lines We Cross – Retribution is coming… By Cooper Henckel| October 8, 2019 TV Blogs Can the season 10 opener impress? Find out here...