In the world of professional wrestling, the term “gorilla” is used to describe a specific role behind the scenes. This role is often referred to as a “gorilla position” or simply “gorilla” for short. Let’s take a closer look at what this term means and why it is important in the world of wrestling.
The Gorilla Position
The gorilla position refers to an area just behind the entrance curtain where wrestlers and other performers prepare for their matches. It is called the gorilla position because it was named after Gorilla Monsoon, a legendary professional wrestler and commentator.
Fun Fact: Gorilla Monsoon’s real name was Robert Marella, but he adopted the ring name “Gorilla Monsoon” due to his impressive size and strength.
Wrestlers usually make their final preparations in the gorilla position before entering the arena. This includes putting on their gear, reviewing their match plans, and getting last-minute instructions from producers or agents.
The Role of a Gorilla
In addition to referring to the physical location, the term “gorilla” also describes an important backstage role. The person who occupies this role is often responsible for coordinating and overseeing various aspects of a wrestling event.
Key Responsibilities
- Match Order: The gorilla typically works closely with the event’s booker or creative team to determine the order in which matches will take place during a show. This ensures that there is a good flow and pacing throughout the event.
- Cueing: The gorilla is responsible for cueing wrestlers when it’s time for them to make their entrance. This requires good communication skills and an understanding of timing.
- Timing and Reactions: During matches, the gorilla position is often equipped with monitors that display live footage of the action in the ring.
This allows the gorilla to keep track of the match’s timing and react accordingly. For example, they might give instructions to wrestlers or producers if a match needs to be shortened or extended.
- Communication: The gorilla acts as a liaison between wrestlers, producers, referees, and other crew members. They ensure that everyone is on the same page and that any necessary changes or adjustments are communicated effectively.
The role of a gorilla requires strong organizational skills, excellent multitasking abilities, and a deep understanding of the wrestling industry. It is not uncommon for former wrestlers or experienced backstage personnel to take on this role.
In Conclusion
The term “gorilla” in wrestling terms refers to both a physical location behind the entrance curtain and an important backstage role. The person in this role is responsible for coordinating various aspects of a wrestling event, including match order, cueing wrestlers, timing and reactions during matches, and effective communication among all involved parties.
In summary, next time you watch a wrestling event, take a moment to appreciate the behind-the-scenes work done by the gorillas who help make it all happen!